
The curated barcode database
for video games.


Available Titles


Barcode Types


Matching Metadata


During Launch Period

Scan. Tap. Done.

Imagine you send the EAN code 0711719546658 to a standard barcode database API. The response you get might look like this:

God of War Ragnarok Launch Edition - PlayStation 5 (Sony), New - GameStop

While this gives you a basic idea of the scanned game, linking it to a precise IGDB entry can be a hassle. You’re left guessing, possibly prompting the user to choose from multiple options—or worse, finding no direct match at all.

The same EAN in ScanDex returns an exact match, ready for seamless integration. Now, you can offer your users a single-tap option to instantly add the game to their library—no extra steps, no guesswork.

        "id": 1,
        "is_suggestion": false,
        "title": "God of War Ragnarök",
        "platform": "PlayStation 5",
        "igdb_metadata": {
            "id": 112875,
            "platform_id": 167


How many titles and platforms are available using the ScanDex API?

As of October 2024 ScanDex contains over 30,000 games, consisting of about 7,000 EAN (excluding interchangeable UPC barcodes) and 23,000 UPC barcodes. The database is being continuously updated with more games and IGDB metadata.

PlayStation: 1656
PlayStation 2: 3293
PlayStation 3: 2305
PlayStation 4: 4415
PlayStation 5: 1530
PlayStation Vita: 642
PlayStation Portable: 876

Xbox: 1385
Xbox 360: 2505
Xbox One: 1676
Xbox Series X|S: 680

Nintendo DS: 2173
Nintendo 3DS: 733
Wii: 1860
Wii U: 322
Nintendo Switch: 3549

Apps that use ScanDex
